Non Potable Water

Non Potable Water

Non-potable water is water that is not of drinking quality, but may still be used for many other purposes, depending on its quality. Non potable water can be used many various non essential uses. Unless water is known to be of potable quality (e.g. from a drinking water supply system) it should be regarded as non-potable and used appropriately.



Some examples of non-potable water use in the workplace include:

  • rainwater
  • quarry water
  • swimming pool backwash water
  • Waste water
  • creek, dam, and river water
  • class A recycled water from a sewage treatment plant


Non potable water can be used for a various non essential uses such as:

  • Swimming pool filling
  • Laundry
  • Irrigation
  • Agriculture
  • Car Washes and Garage forecourts
  • Building Constructions
  • Factory cleaning
  • Food processing

Just to name a few.

What is recycled water?

Recycled water, a form of non-potable water, is any water that has been used at least once and then supplied for reuse, either treated or untreated. Without appropriate treatment, recycled water may contain a range of contaminants. For example, water used for the final rinse in a commercial laundry is only lightly contaminated and thus may be used again, untreated, for the first wash cycle. On the other hand, sewage must be treated at a sewage treatment plant before it can be recycled for any purpose. In Queensland, recycled water from sewage treatment plants is put into different classes depending on its microbiological quality. These classes range from Class A+ (the highest) to Class D (the lowest). Recycled water can even be treated at an advanced water treatment plant so that it meets drinking water standards. This is then called ‘purified recycled water’